QuickOpen Crack (April-2022)


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QuickOpen Crack+ [Mac/Win] [Updated]

This plugin consists of two main functions:
Select the whole path of the file (or directory) you want to open (or select). Then press ALT + O to open the file in Notepad++, or use the button on the toolbar to open it.
Move to start of the line if you want to cut the whole line and paste it somewhere else.
Automatic Open:
This plugin was made to open file and folders with the same name from the same directory.
If you have any questions or problems with this plugin, feel free to contact us (see the plugin’s official website).
How to use:

Technical support:

Bug reports:

Other changes:


Notepad++ is an extension of Notepad,
allowing a wide range of text editing, file manipulation, and the creation of simple graphs, charts, and other forms of static and dynamic data presentations.

This is NOT the Notepad++ application itself, but an extension for it.

In addition to the features of Notepad, Notepad++ offers a number of powerful extra features such as the following:

* Support for adding new syntax elements
* Line number and color highlighting
* Tag support for inclusion of HTML tags within your files
* Code Completion for PHP, ASP, Perl, Python, TCL and many others
* Various tools for code beautification
* Extensive search and replace functionality
* A sophisticated Bookmarks system
* A fast, efficient and powerful clipboard manager
* Customizable toolbars
* Multi-tab support
* Multiple undo/redo
* A simple and easy to learn interface
* Full Unicode support
* Comprehensive look & feel customization

The list of syntax elements offered by Notepad++ is continuously expanding and new syntax elements are being added to this list all the time.


Notepad++ is free software, released under the GNU General Public
License (GPL). You can copy, modify, distribute and/or sell it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See
“License.txt” for more details.

Please notify me by e-mail
if there are any questions regarding this

Jared Souza
jared @ Not

QuickOpen Crack + With Key Free Download [Latest-2022]


* Open file with the same name as the selected text
* Add `:` if the file path is more than one line
* Add `;` if the file path contains spaces
* Add % for relative paths (usefull if you edit the path using the QuickOpen dialog)
* Add % to add default name (if not supplied in the path)
* Add `:` to add file to the same folder as the file selected
* Add `..` to go one level up
* Go to the first folder in the path
* `\\` to open file with double backslash


* Support for FSO Files.
* PSPad 7.2

To install plugin, visit the link below. [Here](


1) Move `QuickOpen.pspad.plug` file to the plugin folder in `Plugins/Extensions/` of Pspad.
2) Restart Pspad.


If you like this add-on, please support it. It is released as Open Source. 

reindustrialisation and the capitalist modernisation and industrialisation of China. It also considers impacts in Taiwan, where many of these factories have been relocated. How and why did the ‘One Child’ policy matter? What were the consequences?


Chen Qigang provides a critical review of China’s early attempts to establish a regional trading system. He discusses the historical developments and economic and political background of the region’s development and the economic consequences of China’s recent decision to adopt’reform and opening’. Chen concludes by analysing China’s role as a regional power in the twenty-first century and the implications for Taiwan.


For a long time South Korea was a satellite of North Korea, and because South Korea’s developmental priority was economic, it continued to be so. However, over the past two decades there has been a fundamental shift in South Korea’s developmental emphasis, not so much to North Korea, but to the major economies of the world. Consequently the state-led developmental strategy with which South Korea helped to address the famine of the 1990s has become increasingly ambiguous and is

QuickOpen Crack + [Mac/Win] 2022

o There is a speed difference between any other plugins which are imported to quickopen.
o it is not a copy of otwrewrite.
o It is a new plugin so download it and try.
o It is not in the default position and you must add it to the otwrewrite path.
o It is not a standalone application. You need to add it to Notepad++.
o I don’t know how to add this plugin to the last QuickOpen list, so you need to add it manually into Notepad++ plugin menu.
o Importing some plugins may slow down the Notepad++ running process.
o There is no security warnings and the plugin can be used to open arbitrary files, but I would recommend to use it only when you are sure the file is safe.

This folder contains the complete source code of QuickOpen v1.4, including some example files provided to show how it works.
If you download and extract the zipped file, you will get the “QuickOpen folder”, so try to copy the content of this folder and paste to the Notepad++ directory.

QuickOpen Source Code:

Please report any bugs or suggest improvement.
There may be some bugs in QuickOpen. If you find any, please report it at

Some Examples:

It is a text file. I hope you can open it with Notepad++.

In this example, the folder path is hidden. You should try this file in PSPad.

The file has folder separators. You can’t open it if you are copying the whole path.

It has a space character. You can’t open it if you are copying the whole path.

It has a space character. You can’t open it if you are copying the whole path.


This plugin is released under GNU General Public License version 3.

This zip file contains a complete example of how to use QuickOpen.
In order to try it just unzip it in Notepad++ folder.
See the README file inside.

Known Bugs

When QuickOpen is enabled,

What’s New In QuickOpen?

* QuickOpen is a plugin for Notepad++ which opens the file you select in the editor.
* QuickOpen is based on pst file hack by Eric G. Marshall which can be found here

Version 0.2 – 27 July 2017

* New Plugin project for Notepad++:
* Windows: add a “folder” option in the quickopen.ini file
* Windows: remove the need to use the hotkey
* Drag and drop support for Windows on MacOS support (thanks to the mod DNLPLG_TOOLBAR_PLUGIN_INSTALL)
* You can now choose a target folder from the quickopen folder.
* Minor bug fix: QuickOpen menu is now displayed in french (thanks to the mod CHANGELOG_OTF_DRAFTS)
* Select all files of a subfolder is now possible from the menu (thanks to the mod STRAN_SCREEN_SWITCH)
* Launch when empty quick open folders: you no longer have to click twice in the QuickOpen menu
* QuickOpen now has a command line argument to launch the plugin
* Rebuild and re-installation

Version 0.1 – 21 July 2017

* Initial release
* Windows: Notepad++ and Notepad added, no need to install the windows version.
* Automatically select the binary file if it starts with the ‘.’ character.
* Option to choose the location of the program folder that QuickOpen should be opened from.
* Options can now be modified in the quickopen.ini file
* Language menu can be seen in english (thanks to the mod CHANGELOG_OTF_DRAFTS)

Version 0.0 – 17 August 2017

* Initial release


1. Copy the QuickOpen folder in the plugin folder (see “Plugin folder” in the README)
2. After that, you must restart Notepad++, and then choose the plugin QuickOpen in the Plugin Manager.
3. You can now configure the plugin in the quickopen.ini file.

QuickOpen configuration parameters

* targetName: The target name in the quickopen menu
* targetPath:


System Requirements For QuickOpen:

OS: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel i3 or equivalent, AMD Athlon II or equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card
Storage: 700 MB available space
Additional Requirements:
Wine 1.3.20, or a later version.
You will need Wine 1.3.20 or a later version.
Available from:


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